Friday, August 21, 2009

Wow. My baby boy camden started his first day of head start tuesday! He loves it. He gets up at about 630 every mo

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Wow. My baby boy camden started his first day of head start tuesday! He loves it. He gets up at about 630 every mo

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Multimedia message

My beautiful little princess:)

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My Princess

Monday, January 19, 2009

Camden and Maddi

So, Camden is in his terrible twos, and I think his behavior gets worse daily. Jamie works in the daytime and I work at night and I think our discipline techniques are very different. I try all day to discipline Camden and utilize time-outs and other things. And I think Jamie just pretty much lets Camden walk all over him. I have talked to Jamie about it and he says he does it because he "feels bad" because he doesn't get to see him that much. It's becoming a big problem. We cannot take Camden anywhere without him acting up, (especially if we r with Jamie)...idk what to do. He is in speech therapy because he cannot pronunciate words and gets frustrated, and I think that may have something to do with his bad behavior. He starts pre-school in august, hopefully he will improve by then. Ugh. But I sure do love that lil guy.

Maddilyn is one and soooo beautiful. She has big blue eyes with LONG eyelashes, beautiful curly hair, and the prettiest skin. She is sooo sweet. Jan 24th I am putting her in the winter pageant at the mall. I am sooo exited! Wish her luck!